Bode Clinic is growing!!
We have a few staff additions to introduce in the next few weeks, and TODAY we are delighted to introduce our brand new member of the family, Mr Bryan Jones.?
This incredibly knowledgeable man has gathered experience and skills across so many different aspects on his journey, making him the man he is today.
Bryan is a high performance coach, mentor, development coach, has a sports psychology background, athletic background…he has even founded his own school. This man has done a lot!
Our clinic director Kristin came across Bryan when he did some work for Manchester United, where Bryan used his sports psychology background to help the staff get the most out of professional athletes on and off the pitch. From a medical perspective this included the psychological impact an athlete is suffering when getting injured but also the return back onto the pitch. His tips and methods gave tremendous support to the staff and athletes, helping create a faster return back from injury and the players oozed of confidence when returning from an injury ⚽
Its not surprising that he has been headhunted as a specialist to help improve performance in athletes, but this can also be implemented in a business environment. Bryan has helped a range of small and large businesses become a high performance company just by changing the mindset of the leaders and letting it drip feed down to the employees.
?How do you as a leader get the most out of your staff?
Bryan can help! Keep your eyes peeled on the Bode Clinic Facebook page and website to learn more about this topic in the near future.
Bryan shares Bode Clinic’s passion for creating wellness amongst our clients, wether that be an athlete trying to tackle the mental challenges in high performance sport, or if any of our business contracts would like to improve the performance of employees within their company?
In addition to Bryan’s work with our clients, he will share a monthly blog post to help inspire our followers/readers out there. He will make you think…..make you see situations in a different perspective and twist your brain around to that ‘wow’ moment of realisation ?
Make sure you follow our Facebook page so you do not miss out on any blog posts from Bryan.
Would you like to book Bryan for a seminar to make your business thrive and succeed? Get in touch TODAY!