Pessary Fitting
We are one of the few private clinics in Manchester offering pessary fitting. Alongside Pelvic Floor Exercises, weight loss and other lifestyle adaptations, a pessary can be very effective in alleviating the symptoms of a pelvic organ prolapse. They can be worn all the time, or used when symptomatic, such as when exercising. The Physiotherapist will discuss your personal needs and match you with the right pessary management programme.
The initial consultation will involve a full assessment of your pelvic floor issues. The Physiotherapist will discuss which pessary she feels is right for you given your symptoms. The pessary has to be fitted correctly and it may take several tries to get the right one.
After the first fitting you will need to return to clinic 2 weeks later to have the pessary checked. You will then need to return to clinic after 3-6 months and at longer intervals after that, as long as you use the device.