Physiotherapy clinic in Manchester and Salford
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Kineso taping for lower back pain
Sitting on dining chairs in your home office, lack of movement, new DIY project? All these can contribute to lower back pain, and with nowhere to go for treatment the symptoms can get worse as the days goes on??? We have helped our online patients by talking them...
Graston technique – for quick release of muscle soreness
Anyone else suffering from sore shoulders and neck? ?? Here you can see the “before” and “during” picture of a manual technique called graston. EXCELLENT for easing off sore and tight muscles. ? We can’t wait to re-open the clinic, so HANG IN THERE GUYS!!! ??? We can...
We are closed -temporarily #covid-19
It is with a very heavy heart we have decided to close our clinic with immediate effect, and therefore cancel all face to face appointments. We have been following advice from government and watching what our governing bodies are saying. We are classed as healthcare...