Benefits of pre-race sports massage

Benefits of pre-race sports massage

With all the hard work and training that goes into preparing for a race, you want to ensure that you are as ready as you can be for the big day. Does your current preparation for a race include a pre-race sports massage? If not, why not?! Your body can benefit greatly...
Can women with strong pelvic floor still suffer from leaking?

Can women with strong pelvic floor still suffer from leaking?

Pelvic floor issues are common amongst women, 1 in 4 women suffers from urinary incontinence aka leaking. Having a strong pelvic floor isn’t always the solution. There can be different reasons why leaking happens, our women’s health physiotherapist will...
The best injections for knee pain

The best injections for knee pain

In the UK approx. 8.5 million people suffers from Osteoarthritis (OA). What would be the best injections for knee pain associated with OA? OA in the knee is found in around 1 in 5 people over the age of 45 in England. Despite a large portion of the population...
Best Physio & Chiropractic Care Practice 2020 – North West

Best Physio & Chiropractic Care Practice 2020 – North West

Lockdown was a tough time for us as a private clinic, but there were still some good news popping up in our inbox, like being awarded North West best Physiotherapy and Chiropractic clinic for 2020. The panel for Private Healthcare Awards said: “Your practice was...
We are open!!

We are open!!

Welcome back! We are ready to open our clinic for face to face appointments, and our first day will be this Thursday 21st May for both chiropractic and physiotherapy treatment. Everything won’t be quite like normal, we like to call this the ‘New...
Covid-19 IgG Antibody test

Covid-19 IgG Antibody test

Covid-19 ANTIBODY TEST A clinically validated Covid-19 IgG antibody test is ready!!!! From today we pleased to announce that Bode Clinic are launching this testing service as one of the few selected clinics in the country, collaborating with Yorktest and Abbotts. To...